This gospel was written by Luke around 60 AD. It presents Jesus as both the promised Savior of Israel and as the Savior of the whole human race. Luke records that Jesus was called by the Spirit of the Lord to “bring good news to the poor” (4.18), and this gospel is filled with a concern for people with all kinds of need. A note of joy is also prominent in Luke, especially in the opening chapters that announce the coming of Christ, and again at the conclusion, when Jesus Christ ascends to heaven. The story of the growth and spread of the Christian faith after the ascension of Jesus is told by the same writer in Acts.
There are stories found only in this Gospel, such as the song of the angels and the shepherds' visit at the birth of Jesus, Jesus in the Temple as a boy, and the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Lost Son. Throughout the gospel great emphasis is placed on prayer, the Holy Spirit, the role of women in the ministry of Jesus, and God's forgiveness of sins.